Toast: May your joys be as deep as the ocean, Your troubles as light as its foam
And may you find sweet peace of mind wherever you may roam. CHEERS!
Guest/New Members called in online: 14 members, 1 guest
Who is brewing? Multiple members have brewed since the last meeting
6/2 BJCP: Structure, Judge Procedures @ MRBC 6pm
6/2 June Monthly meeting @ MRBC 7:30pm
6/12 COC: Mid Year beer @ Vince’s
6/12 Jun Stammtisch @ Vince 1pm
6/16 BJCP: Exam Format @ MRBC 6pm
7/7 July Monthly Meeting @ MRBC 7:30pm
7/14 BJCP: Off Flavor Recap @ MRBC 6pm
7/17 Honey Giveaway @ The Brew Shop
7/24 July Stammtisch
8/4 BJCP: Recipe Formulation @ MRBC 6pm
8/4 Aug Monthly Meeting @ MRBC 7:30pm
8/7 COC: Mead Day Comp @ Bee-Town 5pm
8/14 Bier Garden Fest @ MRBC
8/18 BJCP class at MRBC 6-9pm, COC Brew It or Screw It
8/21 COC: Uber Open @ Stovall’s
?/? Butter Ducks Winery visit TBD (Sonja)
9/1 Sept Monthly Meeting @ MRBC 7:30pm
9/11 BJCP exam @ Stovall’s
9/18 28th Anniversary/ SAV Brewery tour
10/2 Fest’ovall Octoberfest Stammtisch
10/6 Oct Monthly Meeting @ MRBC 7:30pm
10/9 Charleston Beer Fest @ Riverfront Park 1pm
10/23 COC: O’Dark 30 Competition
11/3 Nov Monthly Meeting @ MRBC 7:30pm (SBL Elections)
New Business:
- Sample Glassware: Chandler will have glassware for sale: 30 sets, 120 glasses, $12 set/$3 ea glass sold. Case and a half (108) left without orders at this time. SBL to purchase this case and a half and sell to new or other members to recur the cost. Also, SBL will strategically stage some sample glasses in the SBL library and at the Brew Shop.
- Competitor of the year award (Henry S., Jeremy Bo., Chandler T., Chris S.): Striped Service points from list. Only competition points count. Entire system will be based on the honor system. Move to also have a Service award annually via club ballots. Sonja is the points manager.
- Jim Highland Service Award: Wilson/Stovall to inform the club of how the service award works.
- COC: Brew It or Screw It competition to be held on 8/18 at Stovalls. When and where are we hosting this comp? How many entered? 5 or 6 people.
- Honey Giveaway 7/17 at the brew shop. Must be present. Must be a 2021 paid member. Must use it towards Domras 2021.
- 6/12 Mid-Year Comp results: (9 total entries). Score sheets to be sent out by TJ.
- 1st – Vince Becker – Am. Light Lager
- 2nd – Vince Becker – IPA
- 3rd – Jonathan Eckles – American Lager
- HM – Gene Edwards – Helles Export
- Domras 2022: Stovall proposed moving the Feb 5th event back to later that month due to the super bowl. Motion did not pass.
Old Business:
- Creating the competitor of the year award. Chandler and TJ to manufacture award.
- Proposed SBL purchase a few (2-3) brewing books for the SBL library.
- Approved. Henry to order specific brewing books like Malt, Water, Yeast Grain.
- There is interest in SBL chartering an anniversary brewery tour in Sept. Because seating will be limited by bus size this will be a Club Only event. 9/18 11am-7pm. Club held a motion and it was carried and SBL will use $600 towards this event.
- Plan A: Kelly Tour bus 23 seats. $150 an hour. Looking at $1100.
- Plan B: Rental vans roughly $300 a day. Will require 2-3 DDs.
- Plan C: go to charleston brewery trolley.
- Plan D: SAV DOT Tour
- Charleston Beerfest tour bus $1400
- Competition (COC) circuit:
- Sonja’s update on the Butter Ducks winery visit in Effingham. Sonja to discuss with Butter Ducks and try to schedule it for around May or June timeframe. Move event to fall so members don’t melt
Mead Day 8/7
SHA: CBM’s US Open 8/11
Brew It or Screw It 8/18
Uber Open Lemoncello only 8/21
Oct O’Dark 30
July – Jonathan E. (South Side)
Aug 7 Mead Day – Tripka @ Bee-Town
Sept – OPEN BJCP exam post part??
Oct – Stovall
Nov – Scott
Dec – Wilson
Jan – TJ
Upcoming Group Brew Day:
11/6 Learn To Homebrew Day (LTHD) @ TBD
Treasury Report:
Gene to give treasury report in August.
Vince, get with Gene about the Domras 2021 stuff.
Barrel Committee: (Gene, Vince, Scott, James):
- Barrel Project X: Braggot. Still waiting to put the batch to make it in the barrel. Barrel is in Scotts garage.
- Barrel Project #4: Russian Imperial Stout with cocoa powder is kegged and the barrel is empty. Before we prep the barrel for Barrel Project #5, we will need a recipe. This recipe development is in work. Will present the final recipe at the August meeting.
- Barrel Project #5: Use same barrel from barrel project #4. Going to be the final beer in this barrel so we will do a Flanders, Lambic, Old Brun, or sour beer. First of many sour beers?
Tech Talk: none
Open Discussion: