Savannah Brewers League
“Here’s to the brewer’s muse, whether it’s a streak of genius or a happy accident. May our creativity flow as freely as our beer. Cheers!”
Guests/New Members
25 members were present.
Who is Brewing?
The current club total for 2024 is 442.75 BUs. Members are reminded to submit their brew days using the Form.
Upcoming Events
- 14 SEP – Stammtisch at Chris W’s house
- 02 OCT – SBL Monthly Meeting, 1930 hrs, location TBD
New Business
Meredith still has not heard from Wexford so it is most likely not an option to hold our monthly meetings. Henry volunteered to reach out to Coach’s and will let us know by Friday if we can have the October meeting there.
Committee Discussion
Andre’s Antics
Andre transferred 9 gal of Kolsch (Tybee Island Blonde) to a cask where several ounces of rosemary were added, courtesy of Chris M. Kristen closed the firkin by hitting the keystone into place. It will be on tap the first week in October.
Treasurer’s Report
Gene gave his report which included the club’s account total.
Barrel Committee
- Barrel 1 – Scottish Ale (sour) – John E. brought a sample to try. It has been in the barrel for about 10 months.
- Barrel 2 – Lambic
- Bridge Run Shirts – The Bridge Run is in Savannah in December. John E. worked with a local print shop to design a long sleeve shirt and will send out the link to order the shirts and we have until October 15. If we have under 20 orders, the cost is $27 but if we get over 20 orders it will be $19.
- John E. brought raffle items that Jeremy donated but were not raffled off during the past two Stammtisch gatherings. Items included a hop basket, pH meter, hydrometer, and John Palmer’s book.
- Uber Open took place on 17 AUG. Chris M. won first place.
- O Dark 30 will be in November.
- Domras Cup will be held at Savannah Bee in February.
- Chris S. let us know that they want to hold ReBrew again next year as part of the summer meeting. Next year the requirement will be 5 gallon batches and the event will be limited to around 150 people. We could possibly hold it at Service again.
Old Business
Meredith is going to scheudle a meeting with the lady who runs the Chatham Sailing Club website to see if she can take ours over as well.
BJCP Cider Judging
The next class will be on September 11 and will feature French ciders. It will be at Vince’s house.
Meeting Time
John F. made a motion to change the start time of the monthly meetings from 1930 to 1900. John E. seconded the motion. Discussion ensued. Seven members were in favor of the change and eight were opposed. The motion did not pass. The meeting time remains 1930.
Upcoming Stammtisch
- September – C. Welch, 22 SEP
- October – C. Martin, tentatively 19 OCT
- November – Vince or The Burns in conjunction with 0 Dark 30 competition
- December – John W., 08 DEC
Tech Talk
Chris M. will be making a trip to the honey store in Jessup in about two weeks. If anyone is interested in purchasing some honey they should let him know.
Next month we will have the first Domras Cup meeting at 1830.
Henry has corny kegs for sale. One for $50 or three for $120.