SBL Virtual Meeting 7/1 7:30pm
German Toast: “Euch ist bekannt was wir bedürfen, wir wollen starke Getränke schlürfen!“
Translation: “You know what we need is to gulp down a strong drink!“
- Toast First! Its rude to drink before a toast.
- Clink with the bottom of your glass, in Germany most glasses are thicker at the bottom.
- Eye Contact, who are you talking too?!?
- Water you doing? Keep your water glass down so you don’t jinx the table.
Attending Members : 8
Guest/New Members: Sara W. (a.k.a Sara C). Total 50 paid members.
Who is Brewing: ??? 696 bu’s (805.4 2019 record), still have 109.4 bu’s to brew to meet record
- 6/3 June Monthly Meeting
- 6/13 Stammtisch @ The Brew Shop
- 6/18 – 6/20 NHC Online
- 7/1 July Monthly Meeting
- 7/18 Mid-Year Beer Comp / Stammtisch @ Patrick’s
- 8/1 Mead Day – TBD
- 8/5 Aug Monthly Meeting
- 8/22 11am Uber Open 4 @ Stovall’s
- 9/2 Sept Monthly Meeting
- 9/23 SBL Anniversary @ O’Connels
- 9/?? Fest’ovall Octoberfest Stammtisch @ Stovall’s
- 10/7 Oct Monthly Meeting
- 10/24 O’Dark 30 Beer Competition / Stammtisch – TBD
- 11/4 Nov Monthly Meeting
- 11/7 Learn How To Homebrew Day – TBD
- 11/?? Nov Stammtisch
- 12/2 Dec Monthly Meeting
- 12/12 Christmas Stammtisch @ Wilson’s
Group Brews/Stammtisch:
- Scott/Vince to provide date for Barrel Project #3. Sounds like Vince has some honey to throw in this batch. We talked about brewing an imperial stout for the barrel. We would like members to submit recipes.
- July Stammtisch is at Patrick’s house after the Mid-Year Beer competition on 7/18 4pm in Rincon. We have 12 submissions so far. The website is open for submissions.
- Should we combine the Aug Stammtisch and Uber Open or is that too much?
- Sept Stammtisch is the Fest’ovall, Stovall said he would need to move this to October.
SBL Merchandise:
- SBL stickers are in and will be given out in person. Some members who attended the June Stammtisch already have theirs. Everyone said that they liked them. Henry has them at The Brew Shop.
- Tulip Glasses with SBL logo on them, TJ is working on getting quotes. I have info from Tripka about using his supplier. Also going to pair this up with another order of Domras glasses for 2021 Domras. This should bring down the cost of shipping.
- SBL T-Shirts on deck.
SBL Marketing:
- SBL Brochure revised and Published. Need to print out and drop off at key locations (Brew Shop, Coastal, Service, Moon River, Two Tides, Hop Atomic, Southbound, etc.). If you can print and drop off please let TJ know and he will share the file.
- Design a new SBL Banner with the newer SBL logo. Jonathan commented that he knows someone that may be able to help with this.
- Brew Shop to have and handout some SBL stickers
- Finish website photo gallery – TJ
- Mid-Year Beer Competition 7/18 4pm @ Patrick’s in Rincon. MRBC to brew winner.
- Limoncello 8/22 11am @ Stovall’s. 4 Categories. New Judge sheets and category descriptions.
- O’Dark 30 10/24?, location TBD.
- Domras Cup 2/6/21 8am @ John W. Stevens Wetlands Education Center
- Added Ribbons to Club Only Competitions (COC). Combined this with 2021 Domras order, should be arriving later this month.
Treasury Report (Not Published on Website):
- Petty Cash: $100
- PayPal: $778.90
- Bank: $3,836.45
- Total: $4,715.35
Open Discussions:
- Public Relations Articles for Zymurgy: (1) SBL 27th anniversary [9/23]. (2) Domras Cup history, longest running on the same weekend mead only competition in the world that we know of [2/6/21]. (3) ReBrew article [7/12]. Need to get requirements from Zymurgy editors so Buddemeier can start getting info together to write a good article and spotlight SBL. – Buddemeier
- SBL EuroTrip Fall 2021 – Stovall
- AHA / BA letting people go. Make sure you renew your membership. Maybe organize a fundraiser.
- Copper can be used to remove sulfur during secondary.
Tech Talk: Sanitation (Open Discussion):
- Bar Keepers Friend was brought up as a highly recommended product for cleaning
- Left over Star San can be used to clean up the floor after brewing
- Went over how important sanitation is during all steps of brewing.