“Another day, another bender. no retreat no surrender”
Guest/New Members: 31 members and 1 guest attended
Who is brewing? Club total:750
Upcoming Events:
9/7 September Monthly Meeting @ MRBC
9/11 Sept. Stammtisch @tall deck Beckers
9/21Toast at O’connell’s at 7 pm Do I need to reach out to the pub
10/2 Festovall Stammtisch @ Stovall (5PMish, wear lederhosen or dirndl)
10/5 Domras cup meeting 6:30-7:15 @ MRBC
10/5 October Monthly Meeting @ MRBC
10/22 Bourbon, Blues, Brews, and BBQ
11/2 Domras cup meeting 6:30-7:15 @ MRBC
11/2 November Monthly Meeting @ MRBC
11/5 Learn how to brew day
11/19 O’Dark 30 and NOV Stammtisch @ Burns house
12/7 Domras cup meeting 6:30-7:15 @ MRBC
12/7 December Monthly meeting @MRBC
12/?? Holiday Stammtisch @ Wilson’s
2/4 Domras Cup
New Business:
Discussion of the flavor of the month starting in December
-Proposed calendar posted on Facebook
-December Stammtisch will be first iteration: Winter Seasonal Beer
-Proposed January style: New Year New Beer (Experimental Beer)
-Very informal, does not earn competitor of the year points, no judges
-Iron Brewer Committee created, vote passed
Spotlight Brewery:
None for Oct.
Service will be coming for Nov
Committee Discussion:
Pinks Points, Mike’s Mentionables, Alex Assignments-
Big thanks for the festival! Next year they are booking to potentially close the restaurant and use the entire space for the festival. Moon River is doing a collab brew with Southern Barrel using thyalized yeast. Apparition has been released, an English IPA is coming.
Treasurer’s Report (Gene)
Barrel Committee: (Gene, Vince, Scott, James, Jon E., Roger):
- Barrel Project Delta 6 (sixth run our first barrel) Lambic, all contributions currently in barrel.
- Barrel Project Echo 1
A new whiskey barrel was obtained thanks to David little.
Belgian Dark Strong recipe decided on.
The barrel is planning to be filled on Nov.12
Zymurgy Article (Meridith)
- Still waiting to hear back, no update
- Meredith plans to reach back out through Vince’s contact
Stammtisch Sept(Beckers deck): It was great! Potentially not the last one…
Stammtisch Oct(festovall)
Great as always- Around 56 people, 10x kegs
CCA Blue Brew BBQ & Bourbon (B4) (Austin T.) – Coastal Conservation Association, an organization that helps preserve fish, wildlife, and water quality, will be hosting. Eastern River Warf, 10/22, 11-12 VIP Only, 12-3pm Open to the Public. Up to 20 breweries, 6 liquor booths, lots of BBQ, 3 bands.
Sign up to be a volunteer through the website contact chandler if you cant find it.
Merch interest (Chandler)
Shirts are in please come and get one if you ordered it. Shirts were also presented to Moon River staff.
Also I plan on creating a new sticker for the participants of the barrel projects.
- O-dark 30 (NOV) Brewed at Coastal Empire Brewing
Last comp of the year - 2023 Comps
- Earlier comps so Breweries can send it to GABF
IDEAs? - Iron Brewer for 2023
- Earlier comps so Breweries can send it to GABF
Registar (Scott)
If you are interested in shadowing the registrar position, contact Scott.
He is looking for someone to help with domras and take it over in 2024.
Old Business:
- Brewer of the Year award / Competitor of the year in work. Final tally to be completed by Jan meeting. Barrel staves delivered. Look into club email for reporting this stuff in the future. Any competitions outside of the COC/Domras should be self-reported to Sonja E. Email [email protected] to get her contact info.
- Wetlands in richmond hill cost 250$ plus a 200$ deposit for domras
- If you do a Tech Talk, you get a hand crafted bottle opener or stopper from the prez
October – Stovall 10/1
November – Burns house 11/19
O-Dark 30 start at noon
Stam start at 2
December – Wilson’s
Upcoming Group Brew Day:
10/5 Plan is for coastal empire or debellation (Levi/Frank)
Tech Talk:
October: Taterlicious
November: Cello? By Sean Becker?
December: Brewing with Spices by Bill Austin
General Discussion: what do we want to do next year? Charleston? Bus/Trolley? |
Pull sheets for Uber Open, O’Dark 30 site is coming. |
For anyone who is interested in judging ever, you don’t need certification or experience, come judge! |