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  • 10/2/19 October Meeting Notes

    Another month goes by and another successful meeting in the books in the cellar at Moon River Brewing Company. We had 24 members show up at the meeting and 4… Read More »10/2/19 October Meeting Notes

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  • September SBL Meeting Cancelled due to Hurricane Dorian

    Hello everyone,I am sure you’re keeping an eye on the potential storm we’ll have. Models forecast that we’ll see a part of the storm by late Wednesday and into Thursday.… Read More »September SBL Meeting Cancelled due to Hurricane Dorian

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  • Bulk Malt / Equipment Order – on Jerald! (sort of …)

    Greetings brewers! Jeremy B is putting together a group order for the club for bulk malt, hops, yeast and equipment via Jerald’s schweet hook-up / wholesale connections. This is your… Read More »Bulk Malt / Equipment Order – on Jerald! (sort of …)

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  • 8/7/19 Aug Meeting Notes

    SBL monthly meeting @ Moon River Brewing Company   Opening toast Recap: July 13th we had the group brew with Neil the single brewer at Neil’s house. At this group… Read More »8/7/19 Aug Meeting Notes

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  • 7/13/19 July Meeting Notes

    7:30 pm @ Moon River Brewing Company   Although a lot of the members were out spending the 4th of July with their families we managed to round up 14… Read More »7/13/19 July Meeting Notes

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  • 6/5/19 June Meeting Notes

    @ Moon River Brewing Company We had a good turn out yesterday at the Savannah Brewers League with 20 members attending and 3 new guests. Neil D. started everything off… Read More »6/5/19 June Meeting Notes

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  • 5/1/19 May Meeting Notes

    Savannah Brewers League Monthly Meeting Notes 5/1/2019 7:30 pm Held at Southbound Brewing Company   ·         21 people attended the monthly meeting with only 1 guest. ·         We first started… Read More »5/1/19 May Meeting Notes

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  • 4/3/19 April Meeting Notes

    St. Pat’s Stammtisch: Six people showed up with other members stopping by to say “hi” at the location mentioned for the event. Maybe more next year when we can represent… Read More »4/3/19 April Meeting Notes

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  • March Meeting Notes 3/6/19

    @ Moon River Brewing Company ·         A Pre-meeting was held by Chris S. and Vince B. to prep those who are attending National Homebrew Conference (NHC) and taking the Beer… Read More »March Meeting Notes 3/6/19

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  • 2/6/19 Feb Meeting Notes

    Roughly 25 members in attendance with 1 guest Who is brewing? Jeremy B. – Vienna Lager Gerald J. – 4 IPAs, 1 Porter Tom H. – Wisenbock Neil and Jeremy… Read More »2/6/19 Feb Meeting Notes

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  • January Meeting Minutes 1/2/19

    There was a pre-meeting before the regular meeting for organizing club members for the Domras Cup competition mead only event on 2/2/2019. Information for the pre-meeting will be sent in… Read More »January Meeting Minutes 1/2/19

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  • 2018 December Newsletter

    If you missed the December meeting at Moon River then you missed a great one… and John Pinkerton in yoga pants holding Moon River’s own “Sparkle Britches” glitter beer. That… Read More »2018 December Newsletter

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  • 2019 Domras Cup Mead Only competition is now Open!

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  • Learn To Homebrew Day

    Learn to Homebrew Day was established by the American Homebrewers Association (AHA) in 1999 to encourage homebrewers to introduce their non-brewer friends and family to the most rewarding hobby, obsession… Read More »Learn To Homebrew Day

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  • Are you a AHA member?

    The Savannah Brewers League needs club members to join the AHA To help generate extra revenue for Savannah Brewers League, we encourage club members to join the AHA (American Homebrewers… Read More »Are you a AHA member?

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  • SBL 25th Anniversary

    Lots of things can happen in 25 years, for the Savannah Brewers League (SBL), we have shared in good faith some of the long lost art of brewing science, we’ve celebrated… Read More »SBL 25th Anniversary

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  • Registration now open for 2018 Domras Mead Competition!

    Register now at: Registration window ends on 24 Jan 2018.  Judging is on 3 Feb 2018.  Savannah Homebrewers League is excited to host the 20th annual international Domras mead… Read More »Registration now open for 2018 Domras Mead Competition!

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  • Setting Out Some Suds

    Setting Out Some Suds August 2011 article about Savannah Brewers League’s summer homebrew competition, Summer Suds in Savannah.

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  • Beer Judge Certificate Program (BJCP) Class 2013–2014

    Savannah Brewers League organizes a class designed for those serious about learning beer styles, ingredients, and procedures in depth and how to critically evaluate beers. It is particularly geared toward… Read More »Beer Judge Certificate Program (BJCP) Class 2013–2014

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