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  • 3/3/2021 – March Meeting Notes

    Toast:  “May the winds of fortune sail you.  May you sail a gentle sea.  May it always be the other guy.  Who says ‘this drink’s on me.’”  Guest/New Members: We had… Read More »3/3/2021 – March Meeting Notes

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  • 2/3/21 February Meeting Notes

    Toast: “You can’t be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline – it helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons,… Read More »2/3/21 February Meeting Notes

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  • 1/6/21 – January Meeting Notes

    Toast: “Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is beer. Oh, I grant you the wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel doesn’t go nearly… Read More »1/6/21 – January Meeting Notes

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  • 12/2/2020 – December Meeting Notes

    SBL Monthly Meeting 12/2/2020 7:30pm @ MRBC Toast: Burrrr! It’s cold outside, cheers! Guest/New Members: none Who is brewing? 1,146 bu’s NEW CLUB RECORD!!! Recap: 11/4 Nov Monthly Meeting @… Read More »12/2/2020 – December Meeting Notes

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  • 2021 Domras Cup

    Its finally here, yes, the Savanah Brewers League will be hosting the 2021 Domras Cup international homebrew mead only competition. Click this link to find out more info and register… Read More »2021 Domras Cup

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  • The Joys of Homebrewing

    As some of you may have heard, we were a topic in this months Connect Savannah paper. This is the 3rd time our club has been featured. You can check… Read More »The Joys of Homebrewing

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  • 11/4/2020 November Meeting Notes

    SBL Monthly Meeting 11/4/2020 7:30pm @ MRBC Toast: “May neighbors respect you, trouble neglect you, the angels protect you, and heaven accept you.” Guest/New Members: Chris B., Jimmy, Tom &… Read More »11/4/2020 November Meeting Notes

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  • 10/7/2020 October Meeting Notes

    SBL Monthly Meeting 10/7/2020 7:30pm @ MRBC Octoberfest Toast: “Oans” (one), “zwoa” (two), “drei” (three), “g’suffa” (drink), “Prost” (cheers)!!” Guest/New Members: Jimmy, Josh, Sylvie, Thomas, Chris B., David L (returning… Read More »10/7/2020 October Meeting Notes

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  • 9/2/2020 Sept Meeting Notes

    @ MRBC 7:30pm Toast: “Here’s to your nose, here’s to your chin, here’s to the hole in-between it goes in!” Guest/New Members: Marion, Jodi Who is brewing? 833.5 bu’s. Recap:… Read More »9/2/2020 Sept Meeting Notes

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  • 8/12/2020 August Meeting Notes

    SBL Monthly Meeting 8/12/2020 7:30pm @ MRBC Toast: “Here’s to staying positive and testing negative” Skoal! Guest/New Members: Dan (new paid member), Tony, Andreas, Keith Who is brewing? We broke… Read More »8/12/2020 August Meeting Notes

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  • 7/1/2020 July Meeting Notes

    SBL Virtual Meeting 7/1 7:30pm German Toast: “Euch ist bekannt was wir bedürfen, wir wollen starke Getränke schlürfen!“ Translation: “You know what we need is to gulp down a strong… Read More »7/1/2020 July Meeting Notes

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  • Who is the SBL?

    Some of you may be wondering who is the SBL (Savannah Brewers League)? Good thing we updated our brochure.

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  • 6/3/2020 – June Virtual Monthly Meeting Notes

    6/3/2020 – Jun Virtual Monthly Meeting Notes Toast: “The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind” – Humphrey Bogart We had 14 members call into… Read More »6/3/2020 – June Virtual Monthly Meeting Notes

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  • 5/6/20 May Meeting Notes

    OPENING TOAST: We had 16 members call in to the meeting and 1 guest. Guest: Duncan Bryant from AHA Who’s Brewing? 16 brewers, 37 batches, 179.75 bu’s in 4 weeks!… Read More »5/6/20 May Meeting Notes

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  • 4/1/20 April Meeting Notes

    4/1 7:30pm Virtual Meeting Our Virtual April meeting was successful and we had 17 member join us on the cloud. Opening Toast: “There are no strangers here, only friends you… Read More »4/1/20 April Meeting Notes

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  • 3/4/20 March Monthly Meeting Notes

    Toast: “You’re here!!!” We had 26 members and 2 guests attend this meeting. Kody, our winner of the homebrew kit from November’s Learn How to Homebrew day attending this meeting… Read More »3/4/20 March Monthly Meeting Notes

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  • 2/5/2020 February Meeting Notes

    We had another very informative monthly meeting and a recap of the previous weekend (2/1) 22nd Annual Domras Cup. We had 25 members and 2 guest attend this meeting even… Read More »2/5/2020 February Meeting Notes

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  • 1/8/2020 January Meeting Notes

    The last pre-meeting before Domras Cup was help to a growing number of members. A lot was discussed and finalized. If you can help judge, steward, or staff (volunteer) during… Read More »1/8/2020 January Meeting Notes

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  • 12/4/19 December Meeting Notes

    We had 29 people attend our December meeting. There was a pre-meeting before our regular meeting to discuss and finalize some Domras Cup items left on the agenda. As usual… Read More »12/4/19 December Meeting Notes

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  • 2020 Domras Cup is now open!

    Is that time again, 2020 Domras Cup longest running international mead only on the same weekend (that we can find) competition is now open for entries, judges, stewards, and staff… Read More »2020 Domras Cup is now open!

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